Stackpack pioneer workable alternative to plastic trays
Stackpack pioneer workable alternative to plastic trays

Within Europe’s soft fruit and vegetables sector, the race is on to find feasible alternatives to plastic trays and sealing film. The imposition of the European Union’s plastic waste levy in early 2021, combined withincreasing consumer concern about plastic pollution, has prompted a search for workable, recyclable replacements, and Stackpack is at the forefront. Costing €800 per tonne, the coming into force of the EU Plastic Waste Levy in January 2021 has concentrated minds across Europe on the need to find suitable alternatives. Such change is also being driven by changing consumer options about plastic, particularly in the organics industry where shoppers have voiced their preference for non-plastic packaging. Stackpack has been at the forefront of developing new and innovative solutions to help customers who want to align to non-plastic packaging. Long-term trend However, what is evident is that a widespread move in soft fruit and vegetables away from plastic will soon become apparent in Europe; a move being driven by a changing consumer mindset.



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